4/14 - Look Up at the Sky Day

6th Annual Neighborhood

Garage Sale




Saturday, April 18th

 4/17- National Cheese Ball Day


It is time to show your support for the Castlewood—Oak Valley Neighborhood Association.
A membership form is on the inside of the hard copy newsletter.
You can print a membership form by clicking here.
According to the by-laws, dues shall be payable by
February of each calendar year.


Ron Mattison
Paco Bertsch
Matt Janiga
Hal Ferguson
Doug Tabony
Jennifer Rizkalla

President (512 282-2174)
Vice President (512 993-9277)
Secretary (512 709-3862)
Treasurer (512 282-0601)
Newsletter (512 280-4080)
ANC Delegate
Past President (512 280-4975)

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To join the COVNA Email List, click below and
send an email with your name(s) to Doug at

Now 100+ households strong!

Find out the latest neighborhood news and developments.
Receive recommendations for service providers.


4/18 - Neighborhood Garage Sale:
8 am-1 pm
5/2 - Spring Fling: 5-8 pm

6 /20 - Summer Picnic
10/6 - National Night Out: 6-8 pm
12/14 - Holiday Party: 6:30 pm


It is time again for the neighborhood-wide garage sale.  Saturday, April 18th, has been set as the date for the sale.  This means you have about one week to get organized and prepare if you are going to participate.  Contact Ron Mattison at 512-417-5227, shadmatt@sbcglobal.net with questions.

Things will work the same as last year: COVNA will take care of print advertising and placing signs around the neighborhood to draw in shoppers. Each household that wants to  participate is responsible for conducting its own garage sale. Feel free to team up with friends and neighbors. The idea is to leverage the selling power of the neighborhood, increase the number of garage sale shoppers, and sell more stuff.

Advertise your individual garage sale on craigslist and add that there will be numerous others in the neighborhood.  If everyone does this it will generate a lot of interest.

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Advertise in the COVNA Newsletter
Only $10.00/month. Reaches over 400 homes & Online at COVNA.org
Email Hal Ferguson to see if space is available at hkferguson37@yahoo.com


As you know there has been quite a bit of concern over the intersection at the corner of Queenswood and Crownspoint after a reconfiguration of the stop signs.  The city reports the reconfiguration was made to improve traffic flow although it created an adverse side effect... speeding.

From the COVNA Distribution List (DL) we have heard your feedback concerning the various alternatives Including: reversing the configuration, speed bumps (folks don't like them), making the intersection a four way stop and lowering the speed limit.  With your feedback we have begun a dialog with the city in the hopes of reaching a reasonable resolution.

The COVNA Executive Board has taken the following actions:
• We have established a contact within Austin Traffic Department (ATD).  We are scheduling a face-to-face meeting.
• We reached out to the Office of Ann Kitchen, informed her office of the situation, and requested their guidance.
• Working with APD: deployed a Speed Awareness Monitor, and stepped up speed patrols.

In our meeting with ATD we plan to discuss the community's concerns and potential options. 
The Board will report the ATD response to the COVNA distribution list and newsletter.

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